


RepliQ takes your photo and turns it into a personalized avatar and bring yourself to life in a whole new way

RepliQ takes your photo and turns it into a personalized avatar and bring yourself to life in a whole new way. Whether you're not a video person or struggling with what to say, RepliQ has got you covered.

Features:-Clean and professional videos: RepliQ ensures that your videos are free of unnecessary pauses and filler sounds, delivering a polished presentation.-Turn yourself into a talking AI avatar: With just a front-face image of yourself, RepliQ creates an AI avatar that represents you in your videos.-Fully customizable outreach videos: RepliQ allows you to personalize your videos by using variables such as your leads' name, company name, and job title.-Best-in-class lip sync: RepliQ boasts the market's best lip sync technology, ensuring that your avatar's mouth movements perfectly match the audio.

How it works:-Upload a front-facing image of yourself or choose from RepliQ's avatar options.-Write your own pitch using variables or let RepliQ generate a script for you with prompts.-Upload a lead list with the URLs you want as a background. Within minutes, you'll have hundreds of personalized videos ready to be sent to your leads.